Activities and Topic Days

Together with the regular activities conducted within and outside the schools during the regular academic-year, Youth Futures provides activities when formal program is not in session. During these school break periods, the program operates as a supplementary framework of enrichment activities and enjoyable experiences for the children.

In every town where Youth Futures operates, the local staff builds an enrichment program for school breaks that incorporate a variety of activities.  In addition to these programs, Youth Futures conducts the following two national activity days during the year:

National Volunteering Day

During the Chanukah school break, Youth Futures nurtures and advances the values of mutual responsibility, volunteering, and contributing to the community. The purpose is to empower the participating children – who are privileged to be on the side of those giving to others – through social involvement that serves the community. The Youth Futures staff members lead various volunteer initiatives for the community throughout the course of the year, with the active participation of the children and their family members, culminating in a National Volunteer Day, during which all of the Mentors and children throughout Israel volunteer in their cities.

On this unique day, which has become a Youth Futures tradition, the children and Mentors are able to assist individuals across the various sectors of Israeli society. Youth Futures staff across the country each plan their own initiative for National Volunteer Day, together with the children – deciding together how they would like to contribute to their fellow residents.  This experience enables them to become an active and significant part of their communities.   

Youth Futures On Israel’s Trails

Once a year, prior to Spring Break, the Youth Futures staff members from the 37 activity centers across Israel lead the children and families on a nature hike near their homes. The purposes of the hike are to strengthen the connection of the children and their families to Israel’s nature; strengthen their knowledge of Israel’s geography and love of their country; and create an awareness of the importance of environmental protection and sustainability.

This hike has proven to hold great significance for the participants – particularly today when digital screens occupy more and more of our and our children’s lives. We feel a commitment to create a connection between the children and families with whom we work and Israel’s nature and landscapes, by creating the opportunity for the children and families to go on nature hikes, outdoor experiences, while spending quality time with each other.

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